Friday, October 2, 2009


Glen Beck is a massive tool. Some one should abduct, Rush, Ed from MSNBC, Neal Bortz, Rachael Maddow and any other "political" annalists we can get a hold off. Then drop them in a caldera of a long dormant volcano with a box of rusty silverware and let 'em fight it out. We'll need to have cameras there so all of us blood thirsty savages can witness the carnage as we cram greasy fist fulls of snacky treats betwixt our over weight jibs. Sorry Rachael, I like you the most and I hope you win. However, I'm fair and balanced so you and all your colleges must be thrown under the bus together.

Television and what Americans call entertainment becomes more depraved and boorish everyday. Those among us that claim to be leaders have allowed themselves to become a part of the fray too. Politics is just as nasty, disingenuous and sickening as the garbage entertainment that's mass produced and sandwiched in between boner pill adds for our enjoyment. Politicians shouting at the President, posturing and stacking lies to the celling in congress, massive muscle bound direct descendant of neanderthals smashing each other faces with fists in a cage, skinamax, daytime talk, "Real house wives of (pick a county). It's all there for you. Dive in and get a free frontal lobotomy courtesy of Dr. Television. Don't forget to buy all the shit they advertise. You need more useless consumers goods that will make life that much better. Can you say snuggie?

As bloody and inhumane as my idea may sound, that being to pit talking heads against one another in a battle royal scenario. I think it could actually help. Perhaps if all television viewers where forced to watch the gore, after the smoke had cleared and everyone had a chance to think about what they had just witnessed there would be a rush to regain our dignity, honor and civility as a nation. Or after the credits roll people would just ask each other if there's going to be a new episode of Glee next week now that this season of News Anchors of Death is over.

Don't get me wrong I'm not above this. I love the violence channel. But all things in moderation. Honestly, Brothers and Sisters turn of Fox or MSNBC or what ever it is your watching. Read a book and come up with some of your own opinions. Have a little faith in yourself. Public school didn't make you that dumb. Trust me...

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