Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Question Not Answered

The links below are required reading. Enjoy!

I love fact check dot org...

It is amazing to me how many people don't pay attention to what is going on in a television interview. The fact that this kind of crap, the chain letter, is used to rile up people who watched the same program we all did and should know better, is testament to the sad state of the average American's attention span and intelligence. You would think that with as many people pay homage to the idiot box for hours each day they would be a little more attentive and know what is said on their lord and master, TeeeeeeVeeeeee. There's is a school of thought that one needs to practice something for 10,000 hours to be a master or expert at it. By my estimation we live an a sea of masters of the T.V. Act like experts America. ( I'm now engaged in a disappointed head shake.)

This all can be summed up with to old adage, 'Don't believe everything you read.' Especially when you read it on the internet in the form of a chain letter. Since when did people start taking chain letters seriously anyway?

I am exasperated...

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